And it's not like the fish weren't there, either. I saw plenty of nice targets, but they were having nothing to do with me on this day. Now I know how Lyle Lovette must feel at a single's mixer.
BUT, less than a week later, Eva and I caught a break with the weather and our schedules, and so it was that I found myself heading back up to the
Canyon, looking to redeem myself for the second time this year (I'm making it a habit of losing my Man Badge in '09).
For Eva, it had been a while since she has had the chance to work some water, so she was ready for a great day on the river. Also, she wanted to break in her brand new (magical, as it turns out) wading jacket.
We hit the
Family Pool, as usual, and immediately spotted quite a few fish in the runs - which have been suspiciously absent in this stretch my last two trips. To take that as anything but a good Omen would fly in the face of rational thought, so, with blessings to
Troutius, the God of Fish, we tossed our lines in the water.
Ten minutes in I managed to hook a nice fish - or so I thought. Turns out I
foul-hooked the poor thing - so we got him in the net, removed the hook, gave him a band-aid and sucker and sent him on his way. A little while after freeing my captive and changing out my hook, out of the corner of my eye I caught a quick
'flash' along a seam, against the side of the moss on the river bottom. And just like that I had found my next target.
Using a tried-and-true olive
#18 Zebra Midge variation, I cast to him several times, and in the process, I got a good idea of his size, and let me tell you, it was bigger than I had originally thought - a nice fish to be gunning for. After several tries, I nailed him, and off he went, like a bullet, downstream, my reel screaming as he pulled out my line. Yeah, nice fish, indeed!
While Eva dug the video camera out of my pack, I was struggling to reel this guy in - not only did I have a lot of line out, but he was big and heavy and fighting me for every inch. Slowly but surely, I managed to get him closer, and about the time that Eva got the camera going, I was slipping a fat, heavy fish into my net. Yeah, buddy!

Uber-cold water, numb fingers and a large, feisty fish all combined to result in no picture, since he slipped out of my grasp as soon as I had him out of the net. Watching the video, you would think that I had never handled a fish before - amateur hour anyone? Ok, in my defense, I had to grip him a little tighter than expected to get him out of the net - which caused him to buck a little. Anyone buying that?
Meanwhile, Eva had been working the lower section of the
Family Pool, where the water flattens out and the fish stack up like airplanes. She had set her sights on a nice, large fish and worked the water around it like a pro. Now, before I go on, let me say this: fishing water like that is not for the feint of heart. It's tough going for numerous reasons, the
least of which is getting your line out there without scattering them like so many teenagers at a busted rave.
But, she worked it, using a black
#18 Zebra Midge variation, and about fifteen minutes after my colossal catch, she yelled out to me that she had hooked a big one.

Looking over, I saw her pole dipping and weaving, and I immediately reeled my line in and grabbed the camera. There's really not a lot that I can add here - the video and pictures speak for themselves.

I'm not an overly-smart man, but I can confidently say: that is a
nice fish. And, according to my
unofficial guidelines, it's a sub. It's also longer than my catch, so technically, the first round is on me.

Most people can go years without ever landing a prize like that - Eva has managed it in less than six months on the water with a fly pole. And she did it
nymphing. She saw her target, she nailed her presentation, and she had an incredible set. I think it's safe to say that she is no longer a novice in this sport, and she has earned all of the gloating AND bragging rights that come with a catch like that.
Lesson for today? Name-brand gear and designer labels don't catch fish - it's the presentation that counts (I love saying that).
The rest of the day played out rather slow - I managed to hook another nice fish, but he popped off my line shortly after my set. Moving further up the river, we hit the
Ice Box where there were plenty of fish, but no action. Although Eva, once again in slow, tough water, managed to hook a nice little brownie on a red
#22 Brassie.

All in all, it was not a bad day on the river in March - plenty of sun and blue skies makes for a great escape from the day-to-day grind. Of course, hooking some nice fish doesn't hurt, either.